Sunday, January 25, 2009

Water Park Weekend

This weekend, we went to the Grand Rios Water park. Gavin has been dying to go play in the water somewhere. He was loving playing in the water, walking under waterfalls and going down the water slides. We went down a bunch of slides together and then he found some friends his age to play with and then he went around the park with them. Unfortunately, he is sensitive to the chlorine and looked like a raccoon after we were done, even with taking a 4 hour break in the middle of the day. His eyes look much better today. He was very sad that we had to leave today. He said that he wished that we could stay there forever. I told him that I thought that his eyes needed a break and we would come back another time. It is a pretty fun weekend get-away and only about an hour from our house.
It was good to have a fun weekend this weekend because the stress starts tomorrow. We will be signing with the bank tomorrow to get the funds for the Scrubs business that we are buying. Everyone say a prayer for us that this venture works out. We will be buying it within the next week or two and then the fun really starts.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Country Music

These are pictures of some country singers that I will see at Country Splash this summer. I have been listening to CMT all day today and am getting very excited for the concert season to start. Can't wait.

Gavin "Hunter"

Gavin enjoys sneaking up on Kale when he is bored. I saw him crawling over to the couch with the binoculars and I had to go get the camera. Of course she would rather swat him across the head. Luckily she has no front claws.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year

Happy New Year 09 to everyone....
We finished off 08 by going back up north to see Max's family. We had Christmas with Max's dad and family on New Years eve. Gavin was very excited to see all of his cousins. Gav took lots of pictures, but as I found on our way to our next Christmas function, the card from my camera got lost somewhere and I have not found it yet. So I have no pictures from Max or Joni's Christmas's. If anyone has any, please send them my way. :(
On Saturday the 3rd, we visited with Max's mom and family and had our Christmas get-together. We had homemade chicken noodle soup...yum. Then in all of our wisdom, we decided that we would try to beat the ice storm and drive home before it hit. The storm started on us when we got to spooner and just got worse all the way home. It ended up that we drove home during the worst of the storm. But we made it home.
It was hard going back to work after having 2 weeks off, plus Max decided that we were going on a "21-day fat flush diet" to start off the new year. As a good wife (ha), I am going along with the program since he has been doing a lot of the cooking of the special meals. I made it all the way through the first week until I got home today (friday) and we took Gavin to the movies. I ate half a box of chocolate chip cookie dough candy during the movie......As Chris Farley says ( in a valley girl skit) "Lay off, I'm starving!!". Max has been really good on it though.

Here's the movie that we saw tonight. The Tale of Despereaux. It was OK.
The Tale of Despereaux